Still life photography was at its large in the 1400’s-1700’s. A time when the renaissance was taking place. A time of great change and decay. A result of changes of understanding in the world, a new meta-narrative was taking place.

Photographers such as Sam Taylor displayed this through his photos. This photo is both disturbing and evocative. Its almost haunting power to relate to a variety of audiences. The symbol of the rabbit with evoke emotions in children and young adults due to the nursery rhyme similarities to beatrice potter books and to possible pet pasts. By using a rabbit and not a rat it reveals a more threatening message. Maybe a warning to an enemy or just a narrative of time passing fast. Before you know it your childhood is over. (This is obviously subjective).sam taylor photo blog

However not all still life has to be from the 1400’s. There are many still life photographers to this day conveying strong messages. Such as Vik Muniz. His latest project is inspired by decay. The decay of life in some 3rd world countries and the decay of waste itself. through his images he has constructed new message. His work and ability to turn something that was once ugly into something beautiful i believe is the work of a true artist and imaginative. 

Vik Muniz photo

As a result of not only taking a step back from his daily city life and stepping into another in a 3rd world country. he has ‘literally’ taken a step back from his photo and viewed it from a different perspective. On the ground the still life props (the rubbish) will just look like unorganised waste. But from a birds eye view it is a thing of beauty.

Please watch the video of his video project below.


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